Social Responsibility
In Rashid Textile, we believe in giving back to the community not only through our products but also by willingly contributing to the society. Having become a major textile manufacturing company in Pakistan, Rashid Textile realizes its national and moral obligations ever so strongly. With a strong sense of corporate social responsibility and self-regulation, we at Rashid Textile believe in making a difference in lives – a difference that is able to permeate the very fabric of society towards uplifting the well-being of the community.
In his quest to give back to the people, our founding Chairman Haji Abdul Rashid started a charity named as Karim Bibi Dispensary. Later on, he established Darul Sehat Trust Hospital for the treatment of the destitute and underprivileged people of the society. To this day, this hospital provides free treatment to the deserving citizens of the society.
In order to give back to the society, we also believe in using environmentally sustainable practices throughout our manufacturing. In 2015, Rashid Textile became one of the first textile manufacturing units to install a 300kW solar plant, consequently, reducing the carbon footprint of our factory. We have also installed wet scrubbers to our boilers in order to reduce Sulphur content and other particulate matter from the boiler exhaust. It is one of the most effective way to reduce air pollution caused by boilers. RTI also uses waste heat recovery boilers to generate steam for industrial consumption using the waste heat produced by the engine-generators. Rashid Textile also treats up to 4000 tons of caustic waste water per year and can recover concentrated caustic soda for industrial use. It can also generate millions of liters of purified water as a bi-product.